A Few Favorites

Friday, February 19, 2016

Thought it'd be fun to share a few of my favorites (baby and mommy!) things since I've entered motherhood. In no special order.

1. Matching clothes. Having a girl is totally fun in that we can match, headbands, t shirts, all the goods. I've bought a few matching outfits and headbands from the following.

2. My Camera. Although I've only had it since Christmas, it comes everywhere with us. Hands down, best gift ever. It's a Canon Rebel T5, user friendly and I'm sure can do a whole mess of things I don't even know yet. Plus- I don't always have to have my phone on me, which is nice.

3. Oversized button up flannels/ button up anything . I think I buy one every time I see them. So easy for breastfeeding. And I like them loose, can dress them up or down. Always looking for a fun button up. Never know when your babe is going to want that milk.

4. Showers. My little loves them too, so it works. She's showered with me since she's been itty bitty, but now since she's standing it is even more fun. She'll stand in the shower with Mom and let the water run down her back. She'll open her mouth and try to catch the water, she'll splash the water and be mesmerized by the drain. Sometimes she'll even rest her head on my shoulder, close her eyes and fall asleep (probably the most precious thing ever). A favorite part of my day.

5. Cooking/ Baking. I've always enjoyed baking, but I've really started to dig this whole cooking thing. Especially when my little is in a good mood she'll sit right in the kitchen with Mom as I narrarate everything I'm doing. The crockpot is slowly becoming my best friend, always open to new recipes/ ideas. But I do find- the more I enjoy this cooking thing, the dishes become like the laundry... Never ending. I guess a dirty sink, means yummy food in this house. You really think my little is going to be patient enough for mom to prep cook and do the dishes in this house? Ha, something's got to give, guess the dishes can wait.

6. Mesh food holder. I've raved about this in previous posts. Best ever. So many people have never seen it before and always ask what it is. Ice cubes, apples, cantaloupe, anything put right in there and babes will go to town!

7. Bibs/ burp clothes. Well, these are a given. 

8. My dishwasher. Another given.

9. Taking pictures. Obsessed. Can't have enough. Always working on my picture taking skills.

10. My Man. He's obviously been a favorite long before motherhood. But even more so now. Love him and the man he is for this family. Sorry ladies, there's no link to click on and buy him. I'm the luckiest to have caught this one. The truest example of a hard working, lover, provider and father. Never have enough time with him, but the time we do have is the most fun. 

11. Co-sleeping. Gasp! Yes, we sleep with our babe. Little did I know I would enjoy it so much, maybe it'd be different if we had a baby that slept but, I really couldn't imagine it any other way at this point. It is also time all three of us get to spend together. And when Dads not home and out trucking, I get to still snuggle my bean, she makes Daddys spot less empty, I'm sure he'd agree because when he's home she's all over his side (Sorry Da!).  Some of our best/ most silly memories have happened when putting little to bed in our room. Let's see if I can convince Daddy G of a family bed if (when) we have more kids. I'm sure I'll want my bed back someday, but for now I've totally embraced this addition (they'll only be little once!). 

(She might be thinking Daddy's nose is a food source in this one. Teehee.) 

Are these not some of the cutest moments ever! Co sleeping certainly isn't for everyone. But right now, it is for us, and I love cuddling my two loves.

12. Being a Mom. No, it's not all rainbows and unicorns. But it has totally rocked my socks off. There is so much to life when you bring a child into it. Never did you think you could be/ want to be so selfless for another human being. Even on my worst days- there are so many reasons to feel blessed. As a first time Mom, I still second guess myself quite often, but at the same time I always know that what I'm doing is best for my babe, my man, and myself.

13. Solly baby wraps/ Boba and Lillèbaby carriers/ Boba wrap. Love having my babe close and my hands free!

14. Books/ Reading. Love to read it all! It's a favorite to do in my personal time, as well as in time with my little. 

15. Breastfeeding.

Just a few that I can think of, off the top of my head. My favorites are continuously changing as my babe does and the stages she is in, but a few will always remain the same, I'll let you be the judge of which ones are here to stay.

Happy Friday!